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Make Romance a Priority in Your Marriage

Marriage is a big commitment in the lives of two people. A marriage usually begins with romance but sometimes there are factors that interfere with the amount of romance in our lives. When life gets busy, our romantic relationships and romance all together is often put aside and in the end your relationship could begin to suffer. Sometimes we forget all about romance if we are in a marriage for a while. It's time to make romance a priority in your marriage. Here are some ways you can increase the romance in your marriage.
There are so many fun and free ways to increase the romance in your life! Increasing the romance in your life and spending more time with your partner may also save your relationship or marriage from going bad.
Make your loved one/partner a homemade card. Make the card with love and use free things that you find around the home in the card that shows you really care and that you put your time into this. Put the card in his/her mailbox and they will find a romantic surprise when they open the box!
For married couples with children, do something helpful that you normally would not do such as bathing the kids and getting them ready for bed, cook dinner, or wash the dishes so that your partner can have some free time. You would be surprised how well the little things like this appear to be romantic and make a big difference in your partners response to you. Your partner will be more likely to reciprocate romantically.
Write some small loves notes and put them in your partner's lunchbox, in their shoes, in their car, at their computer or any other place that you know they will look during the day. Write romantic thoughts and things to them. Be fun and be creative. Doing this special thing for your partner will encourage your partner to do something romantic for you in turn.
Romance involves really being there for the other person. Spending money and lighting candles is not the only thing you need to do. Real romance is so much more than that. Your romantic relationship should be everything it can be and with fun ideas and romantic tips you can help bring back the "spark" and "electricity" you once had with your partner.

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